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Posted by on Feb 16, 2019 in General | 4 comments

Consolidating Spoons

Consolidating Spoons

“I quit.”

I did not say it like that.  But the meaning was there.  For five years I have served on the school board of a local charter school.  Last evening, I resigned effective July 1, 2019.  I believe in the mission of the school; it is a place where kids in public schools find a safe environment to pursue their high school diploma.   Oftentimes these students have been bullied, they do not fit in, or they have disciplinary issues that cannot be solved by a local middle or high school.  In short, we take the kids who do not fit in, and we help them obtain a Middle School education or High School diploma.  In the past, I have served as Board President, Vice President, and Secretary.  I am incredibly proud of the contribution I have been able to make there. I hope the remainder of the Board is as well.


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Consolidating Spoons


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  1. Sorry you have to do this but a great reason. That you’re confident now that they’ll manage well without you too! I’ve had to cut back on a lot of stuff so that I have enough spoons to run a business- however the only committee I was on, I was delighted to leave! I’m just not the committee sort! 😃

    • Pollyanna, They never needed me as much as I needed them. I am excited to lay back now for awhile and wait for the wonderful things to happen.

  2. Good for you Rick. This is a great reminder that we need to learn to balance our activities with RA. I tend to feel like I have more control when I hold onto a few spoons I’ve used all up on others and then realized my kids or husband needed something at the end of the day and I had none left.

    • A steady reserve makes the most sense. After all I may want to toss my hat into something else someday. If I am used up I would hate to be out of luck when the next great thing comes up.

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