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Posted by on May 8, 2017 in General | 2 comments

DBlog week is coming

DBlog week is coming

Next week on May 15, 2017 the annual DBlog week begins.  I and most bloggers in the diabetes community will be writing five daily blogs about diabetes.  This is the 8th year for DBlog week and it just keeps getting better.

Daily Prompts and More

As of this writing the daily prompts have not yet been released, but I anticipate bloggers will find a way to discuss the cost of diabetes, the emotional burden of a chronic condition and maybe even diabetes technology.   Last year we had over 100 bloggers who signed up for the event and those bloggers were from all over the world.  This diversity is the strength of DBlog week.  We will write all week as a community with over 100 opinions about each of the five prompts.

This will be my 4th DBlog week and as you can tell, I enjoy writing with other Diabetes bloggers.  But what if you do not have a blog?  You can still participate.  Bloggers love people to read their content, and during DBlog week you can read all the diabetes content you can imagine by going to the Bitter~Sweet DBlog Topics and Post page. Once there, select the daily prompt and then select the blogger you wish to read about.

Start your own blog

Or this is where it is really fun, you can start your own blog.  Blogs need not be fancy to be entered and I can assure you that no matter what your page looks like you can write about the daily prompts.  If you are new to blogging I suggest Blogger as a good simple way to get started. Of course you cna also use or any of the other free or almost free blogging sites.


I hope you will join us next week as the diabetes community builds community thru writing and more importantly reading other bloggers opinions.




Spread the love


  1. I’m so grateful to have you participating again this year, and thank you so much for spreading the word!!!

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