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Prompts for 2018 RDBlog week



After receiving 36 suggestions for prompts we had the prompt choices of any of the four years we have had RDBlog Week.   Because I had so many prompt ideas. I moved the traditional Friday prompt, “Great blogs I read” to be a wild card .  I hope we will still use it but I just could not take up a day when I could present five user suggestions.


Click here to find our more about RDBlog week

Click here for the  2018 RDBlog week signup page

Click Here for the 2018 about page

To link your content select the link for each day, and a new page will open.  On the new page,  post the name of your blog in the name category  and the URL on the link page when it appears.  To read the posted content select the daily link and click one of the posted blog names on the page.

Note the blog link pages are being developed and will be added in the next few days.



  • Monday September 24, 2018

The Medicine Patients with autoimmune disease often are not treated well by Doctors and Pharmacists when we ask for or receive prescription pain medicine.  What has been your experience?   Share the good, bad and ugly side of your experience.

  • Tuesday September 25, 2018

TipsHow do you stay fit, cope with stress, relax, or capitalize on a great day. Tell us your secrets for the best life possible.

  • Wednesday September 26, 2018

Mindfulness What does mindfulness mean to you and how can it help as we live with our autoimmune condition?

  • Thursday September 27,2018

ResearchDo you incorporate research into your disease management? If you do explain how and what difference it has made. If not discuss why not. Help us understand any barriers you have experienced to using research about Rheumatic Disease.

  •    Friday September 28, 2018

411 on Pain – Marijuana is being touted as a drug that can cure everything from skin rashes to heart disease.  Have you tried Marijuana for your Rheumatic Disease?  Perhaps you have a friend who has tried it and you can share their experience.  If Marijuana was legal where you live would you use it for pain?


A note about Wildcards.  These are provided in case one of the daily prompts does not resonate with you.  Maybe the prompt about hobbies is not up your alley.   Or perhaps you wanted to blog about one of the second place prompts and it did not make the main list.  No worries, switch off to a wildcard.  If something is really in your heart and you want to write about it, we have the everything else wildcard.   If you write about a wildcard prompt; be sure and post it to the appropriate wildcard link below. 

  • Wildcards

Doctors – Tell of the importance of and your different experiences with Doctors.

Politics – Health is always a hot item for debate. Regardless of the candidate or party, how do you feel about having so much debate about issues. Is debate helpful or detrimental to our health?

Great Blogs I have read this week – RDBlog week is, at its heart, a way for bloggers to connect. Tell others about the great blogs you have read over the week. Perhaps you have found a gem from a blogger you did not know before or maybe one of your friends shared special insight. Give the high five in print to another blogger or two who participated in 2018 RDBlog week.

Everything else Is there something we missed in this year’s prompts?  This wildcard is your place to add it in.  Not everything made our list so be adventurous and take us in a new direction.  Sometimes the everything wildcard is the seed of a new prompt for next year so let your mind roam and see where it goes.  Maybe mindfulness is on your mind?  Or perhaps you have a funny story?  We are all ready to hear the scoop on what is on your mind that was missed elsewhere.




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