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Posted by on Sep 23, 2016 in General | 2 comments

History, Hope and Gratefulness

History, Hope and Gratefulness

celeste and rick 2016On June 4, 2016, I rode my bicycle as a member of Team Lilly at the 25th annual Tour De Cure at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. As I rode my bike around the wet course, I was inspired to reflect on my past, present and hope for the future. At times it felt like I wasn’t alone on the track. Instead, I felt like I was pedaling with the loved ones who have been by my side throughout my journey with diabetes.

I’m part of history.

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is steeped in the history of tremendous feats of speed, but the history I felt during my ride was more personal.  I felt the spirit of my mother and aunt, both now passed, who lived with Type 1 diabetes in the 1940s, 60s, 70s and 80s. I thought of my mother who suffered such terrible complications as a result of diabetes. I felt like these two women were there pushing me, even though the rain soaked us that day.

It is because of the sacrifices of my mother, my aunt and countless others that I celebrated my 42nd diaversary on June 21st. My mother and aunt supported the American Diabetes Association because they believed that research and technology would someday make the lives of people with diabetes better.  Because of their efforts, I now live in that time.


Read more of History, Hope and Gratefulness at LillyPad
the web site of Eli Lilly and Company

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  1. What a great way to spend a day! We did something similar for my work place last month (I work for a health charity) & it was so great seeing everyone ride for a common interest. I only made it one lap but I still got on a bike!

    • I had such great fun riding that day even though I was soaked. It would rain so hard, then it clear, then rain. Someone said it was like watching ducks trying to ride bicycles. They wobbled a lot and got off at every stop. LOL

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