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Posted by on Jul 7, 2020 in General | 2 comments

Being Whole With Ankylosing Spondylitis

Being Whole With Ankylosing Spondylitis

I have to admit that I rarely feel whole. I know my body is physically whole; in fact, I am in better health today than I was twenty years ago. In the past ten years, I lost 160 pounds, and I have more stamina and more good days than I have had since I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

My joints are still swollen, and my hands still hurt. I sleep oddly if at all, and each day seems like a struggle. It is not that I cannot do those things. I can play with the grandchildren, I can pedal my bicycle, I can walk on the treadmill, but all the time I am doing it I know, I will pay tomorrow. I will be sore and stiff, and I drag like a man who has not slept for a year. It is that second day that causes the issue.


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  1. I hope that your every other day pattern improves. It seems like your good days are really good, but the pendulum swings back the other way equally. That’s not so great.

    • Phyllisa: Thank you for the kind wishes. I would say overall I am doing pretty well. But as you know when it turns it can get ugly. The key as you say is to keep the up days going. Sheryl does a great job of helping me do that. I hope you are well.

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