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Posted by on Apr 9, 2019 in General | 8 comments

Seven Ways to Improve Injections

Seven Ways to Improve Injections

Many RA medications come in the form of self-injectables. Over the last 18 years I have heard many people complain that they cannot learn to give themselves injections or if they can, it is always difficult to do so. I never had this issue, but then again, I have been injecting myself since June 18, 1974. In fact, a rough estimate is that I have given myself about 37,000 injections give or take a few thousand. If anything, that number is likely a little less than I have given myself.

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Seven Ways to Improve Injections


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  1. When I read #2, I was thinking…”can I eat the orange” then I got to #7! LOL LOL Brilliant!

  2. Tip number 7 is my fave! 😂

    • 44 years later, I can honestly say the first one I ate that week, was the best orange I have ever eaten.

  3. Funny about the orange and eating it. I have never had a problem with giving myself a syringe, but an epi-pen? Yowzah!!!

    • Oh thankfully I have never had to use an epi-pen. Our grandson has one at our house and his mom said that if we need to use it we have to shut our eyes and jab. Our grandson says Poppa, dont just jab. I have told him I never would. 🙂

  4. Calendar marked shot with the amount thus no excuses – love crossing off

    • Oh I love that one. Taking things off is so affirming.

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