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Biologic Therapy

Biologic’s area new class of drugs used to suppress parts of the autoimmune system. I currently use Rituxan, but over many years I have used REMICIADE, ORENCIA, ACTEMRA, CIMZIA,  and SIMPONI.  All of these are great medications, but unfortunately, I developed antibodies to the ones I have tired but no longer use.  People often ask would go back and use any of them again if you could.  The answer is yes.

I have not tried several medications in this class, and I hope I do not have to do so.  I am always anxious for new medications in this class to come to market.   I hope they do sooner than later.   These medications offer hope to me and many others who are forced to use them.

The number of drugs in this class is expanding rapidly and includes many well-advertised medications. The reason for this is that the number of diseases treated by these drugs continues to expand at a high rate. At the time of this writing, Tocilizumab (brand name ACTEMRA) a drug used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis has entered Phase III trials for stopping disease progression in Type 1 diabetics. This is a great video about the Extend Study which is using ACTEMRA.





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