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Posted by on Dec 12, 2016 in General, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes | 6 comments

Chronic Blessings 2016

Chronic Blessings 2016

Do we who have chronic conditions have blessings?  It is an annual question I ask myself.  For the last two years, I have called this list, the chronic blessings series.  Starting today and for the next four days, I will relate my four blessings this year.  My blessings this year include technology, community, family and friends.  So stay tuned this week for one post per day discussing my Chronic Blessings for 2016.

Blessings are like leaves; we can find them in many different places if we look.  The difficulty is that we do not always look.   This month however as we celebrate generosity and good will it is a great time to stop and reflect on what is good in our lives.   We who have chronic conditions are not always able to do this.  We find that sometimes pain, or drudgery wear us down and we forget to find the true blessings which we have.


This year has been challenging for many of us.  For me I have had surgery, medical setbacks, some stumbles, goals not met, and other goals deferred.  All of these incidents have made me a different person than when I started the year.  Yet these changes are similar to the changes I have every year.  So at this time of year I get to look back and see who I have become and take stock of who I might be in the coming year.

I find that over the years each time I stop to reflect on these blessings I become stronger, because I can see growth and all those who have supported me.  I hope that as the week goes on you will find the joy which I found in doing this series.  I love being on this earth.  I love what I do with my life and what I no longer do.  I love that my children are grown and successful, that I am a grandfather and that I have been married for 39 years.

I love that I know few people with Type 1 diabetes and that those I do know are almost all healthy.  I love that I do not know anyone else personally who has Ankylosing Spondylitis.  I love that those I do know who suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis are receiving the best care we can find and afford.  I love these things because I share in these three experiences.  I love these things because I walk those paths and as I do it gives me great comfort to know that others who walk alongside me are making their way the best they can.


Over this coming week, I will share the other grand things I have found to celebrate this year.  Some may not be your celebrations.  We are different in what we celebrate each year.  Because each of us get to count or own blessings.  But what is not different for any of us is that the world is full of joy, and that chronic illness can ruin the joy, and not give us the blessings we deserve.  I hope as I write this week you will also pause to consider your blessings.  Disagree with mine where you feel you should but also consider, no matter how small or remote we all share the blessing of walking this road together.  That may be our best blessing of the season.



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  1. Hi Rick,
    A good article. Stay the course. My thoughts and prayers are with you. As
    always have a great day.

    • Dan:

      I am glad you enjoyed this. I try to write one series like this every year in Dece,ber. Even if some of the same blessings keep showing up each year. Tomorrow is technology, a blessing and sometimes a curse.

  2. It’s so important to celebrate the growth and the blessings big and small. I wish you and your family good health and happiness in the new year.

    • Kelly,

      Sheryl and I wish you and your family many blessings as well. And stick with me this week. There are five full days of blessing again this year.

  3. Being thankful and grateful always keeps me in grounded in reality when I get to far off into the “what ifs” or “this is just too much.” Great article!

    • Thank you Nikki, Check in each day this week for all five of the posts about the 2016 Chronic Blessings.

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